I have started going to the computer and typing up some of the little moments of the day. It has made me realize a few things. #1 I wish I would have started this sooner. #2 Funny things happen everyday. #3 How much learning and changing takes place each day.
Here are a few of our moments from January and February:
Olivia says she does not want to be a mom as she watches me change diapers, and put Thayne down for a nap. Then, a little bit later she tells me she will have lots of kids so they can do the jobs. I asked, “Like what?” She tells me they can do the laundry and the dishes and vacuum every day. So, I said, “what are you going to do if they do all that?” She responds, “I will sit on my couch and watch Mommy and Daddy movies.” Ahhh, the life of a mom, I guess she doesn't know about the bon-bon part yet. :)
Abby started Piano Lessons, for her first week of practicing, she would stand up and announce each piece like a recital. Now she sits and takes a huge, deep breath, then she sits up real tall, another big breath, and dramatically exhales as she places her hands on the keys. Then, she plinks out her songs and before each new time through repeats the whole process again. It is quite the production, and very fun to watch.
Thayne and Olivia are very good friends, especially the more that Thayne can do and play. So, a few weeks ago, Olivia says to Thayne, “Thayne you are so CLEVER.” I overhear her, and say, “What does clever mean?” Olivia answers, “It means he is so funny and good, and fancy.”
During lunch one day we had to come up with some new definitions that I hope you can add to your Dictionary. Girl Cheese is a regular grilled cheese sandwich, but what is Boy Cheese? A Boy Cheese sandwich is when you add meat. I hope that clarifies some things :)
My top---okay, maybe bottom moment of the month came when Olivia and I were getting into the car after we came out of the grocery store. I was waiting for her to buckle up her car-seat and she said (in the very sweetest voice), “I am going to be a good mom, huh?...” I thought, “What a nice moment,” and said, “yes, you are going to be a great mom.” She continued in her super sweet tone, “...not like you.” ??????? I actually laughed out loud and almost yelled at the same time. So, what makes a bad mom? According to the four year old (who is an expert at these things), you can't put your kids in time-out so many times in a day. Actually, no time-outs at all. I guess I am resigned to be a bad mom, it's okay, I am getting used to it. Isn't that a fact of life, if your kids think you are too mean and too strict---you must be on the right track.
As far as moments go, these last two months sure went too fast. We also had some fun events, one being basketball for Matt. Their season was fairly short and it involved practices two nights a week, and games on Saturdays. This was his first year playing and he went from first practice and really learning how to dribble, to the last few games really showing us some serious defensive skills and shooting that had improved nearly 100%. His team was so fun to watch as they played with so much heart. They lost every game, but I was always surprised because they would play so hard the whole game and they seemed to be right up there with the other team, but they would hardly ever shoot. Too bad the score board doesn't always reflect heart and hard work. I really appreciate the coaches and everyone who puts so much into the city/league sports. It's great how much Matt learned in that short season and how it shows in his confidence now too.
Martin and Matt also took a snowboarding day together. They just go up to Pebble Creek in Inkom, Idaho. It is a small resort, but they had a really good day there and Matt picked right up where he left off last year. He found that really cool and it made for a fun time for Martin too.
I think I had better wrap this up, because I promised myself I would get this done early this month. Lots of Love from the Pope's!