Friday, December 2, 2011

Christmas Letter 2011

Dear Family & Friends,
With another fun year behind us and a load of possibilities in front of us, it seems crazy that it is already time for another CHRISTmas letter.
It has been so fun to see so much of everyone's lives on facebook and emails, I love that!! So, in that theme, here is the POPE FAMILY's 2011 in status updates:
Pope Family:
January 10 at 2:08pm (Martin's Grandma, Betty Thompson passed away. We love and admire her so much and we are so grateful to her for letting us live in this home. So much of what we have in our lives, we owe to her and her generous family)
Bekki Dahl Pope: My new business!!
January 20 at 4:39pm (Having two girls with flowers and bows, I decided to start making and selling them, it has been fun, profitable, and something to share with Abby and Olivia)
Bekki Dahl Pope: HAHAHAHA....I put on my profile that I work for Pope Enterprises, that I am the CEO even, and now Facebook has created a page for Pope Enterprises--my fictious, but very real to ME, business. I even have two people who like it---sweet!!
If I start getting "business" phone calls, I think I will have to hire a secretary--she can do laundry when she is not taking calls.......
February 15 at 1:15pm
Bekki Dahl Pope: added 8 new photos to the album Spring Break (These pictures are all over southern Utah, Cedar Mesa, Goblin Valley, Canyonlands, we camped for a week and hiked every day, Way too much fun!!! )
April 2 at 4:59pm(Martin Pope, Abby Pope, Matt Pope, Olivia Pope, and Thayne Pope were tagged in Bekki's album)
Bekki Dahl Pope: Can she bake a cherry pie, billy-boy? Oh yes she can! COME OUT TO THE DOWNEY BASEBALL BAKE SALE FUNDRAISER. 6-8 TONIGHT!
May 16 at 3:27pm(I was in charge of organizing and running our Downey Baseball Program again this year, this is always volunteer and crazy, but we ended up with AMAZING coaches and lots of parents helping)
Abby Aspen Pope: “Mom, are you going to MAKE me play baseball every year?”
Matthew Tiago Pope: BEST DAY EVER!! I have my birthday and my team win's the League Baseball Championship Game all in one day!!
Thayne David Pope: I am a baseball man!! Mom just bought me a mitt so that I will leave Matt's where we can find it for games. Ha Ha to her, I have TWO hands and can even sleep with these mitt's on.
Bekki Dahl Pope: added 10 new photos to the album Nebraska--2011.
May 27 at 3:59pm
Bekki Dahl Pope: Who needs sleep when you have sisters? Nebraska to visit Jodee with a 12 hour drive and 6 kids......good thing Steffany came along to keep me sane.
(Martin let me take a trip out to Nebraska with Steffany to visit Jodee for my birthday.)
EVENT: The Dahl Family Reunion—location our home. My parents, and all 5 brothers and sisters came with their families. Total people: 34 Total fun: immeasurable
(Martin worked for hours and days to finish 2 more bathrooms for the reunion. This involved completely tearing out an old bathroom, tiling 2 showers, AND putting in a new septic system for those two bathrooms. Still to finish, a sink for the master bath and a cabinet for the “boys bathroom”. Most impressive!!
EVENT: The Pope Family Reunion—location, Bear Lake. Martin's parents and his brother and sisters. (We were glad we weren't in charge for this reunion) We had a great time camping, swimming, sunning, and relaxing.
Martin T Pope: One whole week backpacking with Matt in the Wind River mountain range.
August 6 at 10:02pm
Matthew Tiago Pope: 36 miles is a piece of cake!!
Thayne David Pope: I miss Matt and Daddy, but I won a prize in the cutest baby contest!
Abby Aspen Pope: Good thing Dad made it back for the talent show at the fair. I have been practicing all week.
Olivia Daisy Pope: Good thing the talent show is done, so we can go to the rodeo.
Bekki Dahl Pope: I am 4 weeks and craving M&M's!
September 1 at 2:07pm near Downey
Bekki Dahl Pope: No, really---I am 19 weeks and craving anything chocolate!! Why won't anyone believe me here on Facebook :P
September 1 at 6:28pm near Downey
View all 37 comments (I had been having suspicions for a month or so, but we hadn't told anyone until I went into the doctor for my ultrasound—this was on my first doctor's appointment)
Olivia Daisy Pope: I knew it was a girl, and now the girls are winning! (4 to 3 :)
Bekki Dahl Pope: Gotta say, I love being pregnant. You always have everyone telling you to eat more, work less, and relax.....everyone should get on this train!! :)
September 8 at 12:41pm
Stamp, Scrap, & Chat--OVERNIGHT RETREAT — at Downata Hot Springs.
September 30 at 4:00pm (I teamed up with Downata and planned a Scrapbooking Retreat. Jodee flew in from Nebraska. Steffany drove down from Burley. Including them, we had 8 people who attended. We scrapbooked for 22 hours straight. Then Steffany did a Jamberry Nails party for us and friends, then Jodee flew home. Craziness!)
Martin T Pope: How come everyone laughs when I tell them that I have been called as the bishop of our ward?
Bekki Dahl Pope: I didn't laugh, I just cried. They were happy tears, promise.
Abby Aspen Pope: What kind of candy are you going to have in your office?
Thayne David Pope: Hey, bishop-dad!
October 16 at 3:35pm

Pope Family: A SAD FAREWELL, We said goodbye to my Grandma Miller this week. The funeral was so beautiful, just like her and the amazing life she lived. I am amazed by my Grandpa and what a gracious man he is.
October 20 at 2:08pm (My Grandma, Beulah Miller, passed away. I was struck by how my mom is so much like her and what wonderful examples they both are in my life. I hope I will grow to be more like them.)
Bekki Dahl Pope: So, why is that I can't bring myself to spend 10 bucks on a costume, but 10 HOURS, sure..... :)
October 29 at 3:24pm
Olivia Daisy Pope: A Purple Princess Indian!
Abby Aspen Pope: The Queen of the Cheetah Fairies.
Thayne David Pope: I a cowboy, I shoot da bad guys.
Matthew Tiago Pope: I was a orange and black samurai ninja.
Bekki Dahl Pope: Have you ever waited and anticipated something so long that it consumes your every thought......So has Olivia, and she is NOT going to be happy that Thayne ate her oreo turkey....does anyone else want to tell her, I vote NOT ME!!
November 17 at 11:56am

Well, I hope you all clicked on “like” and pinned it to your favorites board, 'cause if I could do that with a whole year, I WOULD!!
We love you all so much, we hope your coming months and years are full and blessed!! A very, Merry CHRISTmas to ALL!!
Love, The Pope's
Martin, Bekki, Matt (9), Abby (7), Olivia (5),
Thayne (2), and Eliza(due the end of January)

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

October 2011

Dear Family & Friends-

Let's jump right in...Martin has been called as the new bishop of our ward. That could pretty much be all that I write for this month because it has affected each and every day so far. Of course, there has also been so many other day-to-day things and even some very rare things happening this last month. It was full, and fun, and...wonderful.

Martin's new calling has been really great for our family. I did cry through the whole first Sunday,but every Sunday since then we have had blessings heaped upon us and a calm and peace that did NOT exist before. I was so happy to have Martin's parents come over for his calling and ordination, they are always so supportive and good to us. An unexpected, but wonderful, blessing was the fact that MY parents were here with us that Sunday also. They flew in the day before, and stayed with us before they headed up to Idaho Falls for the funeral of my Grandma Beulah Miller (my mom's mom). I can't even put into words how great it was for them to be here with us. It was an answer to many prayers.
Mom and Grandpa Miller

  That following week was very full with family coming and going. I love to see my house full and we tried to make everyone comfortable. The night before the funeral, we had Karryn & Roger w/Kassidy, Travvis & Katie w/Aaron and Jenna, Brett & Keli w/Stetson and Porter, Jodee & Calvin w/Connor, Braxtton, Brooklyn, and Ariizona, and that was added to our 6 already. We joked that it was probably warmer this time then it had been at the reunion this spring when 3 families were out in tents. We tried to keep our heater going so that our Texans wouldn't freeze. I loved having everyone here and it was so impressive to me for those who came from so far away and sacrificed so much to be here. The funeral was very beautiful and fitting. It was simple and peaceful. The importance of the gospel, resurrection and family was so apparent and so undeniably true!

"No, me not a Chicken Maggot!"
I feel like I could end this letter here and have all the high points covered. So, I think I will keep the rest very simple and for information only. We had a wonderful Primary Program, it went very smoothly and the kids did really great at their parts and awesome at singing. I love my calling as Primary Chorister!! Olivia turned 5, she had a rainbow/horse cake and Abby decorated for 2 hours before her family party. We drove over to Burley, Idaho for Pope Family pictures and TWO baby blessings. Martin's sister has a really cute baby boy, Cutler Silcock that they were blessing. Also, his brother blessed their darling, little, Brayla Pope. We had double sacrament meetings that day and lots of family-time, but it's never enough! Football ended in the first round of State play-offs this year. That might mean we get to see Martin a little bit in between meetings and before basketball starts. Yay!! Halloween felt long and stretched out this year, the celebrations started with parties for preschool the Thursday before and then the ward trunk-or-treat Saturday. Then, they just kept going through elementary parties Monday and a little bit of trick-or-treating on Halloween night. Matt was a samurai/ninja, Abby was a cheetah fairy, Olivia got an indian princess costume for her birthday, so Thayne decided he would be a cowboy, cause, “Cowboys chase Indians.” Martin and I even dressed up for the ward party and we had a great time.

I think that covers all the big stuff...I really can't believe how fast this year has gone. Bring it on 2012!! We love you ALL!! The Pope's

Monday, October 10, 2011

September 2011

Dear Family and Friends-

Fall seems to be pressing in, and even Winter is on it's heels. We are trying to soak up any last warm days by taking walks after dinner and playing outside as much as we can. I even “tortured” the kids by taking them out in the cold wind to try and take school pictures. I wanted to get them done outside before it is snowing. It's really funny to me how when the kids want to be outside and play, barefoot and without jackets, they never get cold. Then, I take them out for a quick photo-shoot and the air is “freezing them” and they will “never be warm.” Just another story for my meanest-mom award acceptance speech.

I will start with Olivia this month, she started pre-school right at the beginning of the month. I wrote a little about it last month, but it is such a huge part of our week with carpooling and her sharing all she is learning. She truly loves it! She keeps bring home her papers with comments that say, “perfect”, “beautiful coloring” and “very nice handwriting.” She is just soaking it all up and loves every minute. She is an excellent helper at school and at home. She loves to run out and get the mail with Thayne, it helps that the mailman brings treats! The other day she was doing her job by dumping the garbage. She noticed that there was some mail that I hadn't opened. She said, “Mom, why didn't we open this mail?” I said, “It's just junk mail that we don't want.” She said, “Oh, so why doesn't the mailman just throw it away?” Good Question, that sure would save us a lot of time, huh?

Homecoming at Malad High School was a big event. Martin was busy all week with preparations and practices. We drove over on Friday for the big game. They always have a big dinner for fans and faculty right on the hill overlooking the field. So, we started our game with a really good dinner, then it started pouring rain and didn't really stop the whole game. I had our kids and the kids of the other coach. His wife had run back into town and wasn't back before we were soaking wet. Luckily the rest of the game we got to sit in her van and dry out and actually watch the game. It was a great game, too. Malad won against one of their biggest rivals. Matt and his friends just stayed out in the rain and played football on the hill. I'm not sure he even noticed the rain. Olivia and Thayne spent the whole game climbing in and out of the van and drinking hot chocolate.

We had our Stake Conference, with Martin and I actually going to the adult session together—it was so great to get to sit by him. That is always my favorite meeting and we even had one of my really good friends speaking about how their family just went through the temple. Then, on Sunday, another of my good friends spoke in that session too, it was a great warm-up to General Conference and I really enjoyed the whole weekend.

Matt and Abby started up Piano lessons again. They have a new teacher and they just get off the bus right at her house. She is an excellent teacher and I have been very excited to hear them playing so much again. Our summer practicing is always pretty unimpressive. That is still one of my favorites sounds, someone playing the piano in our house. It is such a nice, homey sound.

Abby learned to ride her bike with no training wheels. We can't figure out why it took her so long, but she really had no desire to even try until the last week. Matt coached her a little bit and now she rides to the bus most mornings and is a very determined little bike rider. She and Matt like to ride up the hill and look at the fish in the canal, and then ride up the other hill and see the horses. They have to watch out this time of year because of all the trucks hauling grain and hay, but it is really nice that our road is so quiet most of the time.

Matt planned our FHE this last week. He did such a wonderful job. Martin just turned it all over to him and he planned a lesson where we had to try and name all the latter-day prophets in order. Luckily, I learned the Prophets song in Primary—that sure payed off! I loved how he ran back and forth and kept saying, “Mom, you have so many more that Dad!!” He was so excited! Then, we played a game out in the backyard where you had to say the name of a prophet and run across the yard without getting tagged. This is where Martin got back at me, cause I cannot run very fast with this pregnant belly, so he would use me as a shield from the person tagging and never get out. Matt did such a good job and I was so impressed with how much he knew about our latter-day prophets and how he took charge and planned our whole night. It was a very good and successful family home evening.

We ended our month with a very fun, and crazy weekend. It started on Thursday night with Martin hosting an Elders Quorum BBQ over at the church, after I ate, I ran over to my friends house where she was having a class on using essential oils. Friday morning I drove to the airport and picked up Jodee. She flew in for a scrapbooking retreat that I had planned. We set up for the retreat at Downata Hot Springs and then the other ladies started showing up. Steffany got to come too!! We scrapbooking and talked all night. The Downata kitchen took care of our dinner and breakfast and it was so perfect!! We scrapbooked until noon the next day and then came home and got ready for a nail party that Steffany put on for us and my friends. We held it during the priesthood session so all the wives could have a fun night out, too. Steffany was going to drive home that night, but decided to just stay over until morning. Jodee had to be to the airport by 5 AM on Sunday morning, so we woke up at 2:30 and I drove her down. By that evening, everyone was home safe and I was so grateful to Heavenly Father for all the protections and blessings that we received. I also was so glad that Martin watched the kids and even CLEANED the house that weekend. He was/is super-dad!! All in all, it was a wonderful weekend with two of my sisters. I always wish we had more time, and could have everyone there ( we missed you guys!!), but it was so nearly perfect that I cannot complain.
That was the end of September and the start of October so I will continue this next month. Love you ALL!! The Pope's

Monday, September 12, 2011

August 2011

Dear Family & Friends-
       What a switch from our last letter. The days are shorter, the nights and mornings cooler, and a school schedule is what dominates the days. I truly love summer, but one thing I always like about school starting up is the schedule in the day. I guess I like my structure and plans too much, but I will miss having the kids around so much. It's WAY too quiet around our house. Thayne misses having his “buddies” to play with and without the fun summer activities, it's really just laundry and dishes and cleaning to keep me company all day.
       Before this letter gets too mopey and sad, I will throw in our great news. We are expecting a baby girl to come to our family sometime in January. The doctor told me the 9th for a due date and the ultrasound tech says the 30th, so we are just saying January—sometime. We have gone through our family pedigree charts and the one name that kept jumping out to us is Eliza. She will be named after all the Eliza's and Elizabeth's that are so common in our family history.
       With school starting that always changes everything so much. Matt started 4th grade and they are combined with the 5th grade for half of the day. He loves it, I think it is the added challenges, and it is so good for him. He mastered swimming this summer passing all the levels that Lava Hot Springs could throw at him. He has started helping Martin with the lawn mowing. The last few mornings of school, he sets his alarm, gets up and gets ready, practices his piano, unloaded and loaded the dishwasher and gets some reading in. This is all before the bus picks him up at 7:15---I am so impressed! He is one motivated kid.
       Abby came home from the first day saying, “It's boring, all we do is work all day.” Now she comes home just brimming with all the fun she is having and how much “new stuff” she knows.
       Olivia “finally” got to start Preschool this week. That is her quote, she has been “waiting and waiting, forever.” She loves doing her homework along with Matt and Abby and is so bouncy when she gets home and so happy to be “big”.
       Poor Thayne, all alone during school now. I can't tell whether he misses Olivia more or all the cool toys at her preschool. He actually seems pretty content with just mom and him at home, and I love getting to be with him one on one. He is such a fun little guy, just happy and excited about everything. I can tell how much he misses Matt and Abby when the bus gets here each day. Thayne runs down the lane as fast as his legs can carry him and yells to them the whole way.
       Since I haven't written since June, I'd better fill in a bit about the end of our summer. The kids all took two rounds of swimming lessons (okay, the older 3). They improved so much that taking them swimming was so much fun. We went to Lava Hot Springs to celebrate the end of lessons. Then, on the “last day” of summer vacation we met up with Martin's family in Pocatello and swam at the fun pool there.
       The County Fair was also a big part of the end of our summer. I had a craft booth there with my friend. I sold my girly hair-things and pettiskirts and she was selling baby things and stuff that she sews. So, we spent every day there for the whole week. We decided that since we were there, we would participate it all the fun fair activities. We entered some cards that we made, some t-shirts from our reunion, scrapbook pages, art, and even an antique chair that belongs to Martin's Grandma. The girls loved showing off their blue ribbons and making a little bit of money. Abby entered some of her sewing projects from the last year, a set of six pillowcases and a doll bed. Every day they had kid activities in the afternoon, one day we were in charge of the treasure hunt. The girls helped me bury toys in the volleyball pit and then I sent the bigger kids all around the fairgrounds with a map to find bigger treasures. Thayne was in the baby contest and won first place. :) It was first place out of two kids----but I still think he was the cutest in the whole contest. He won a pillow pet and some treats. Every evening there was a softball tournament to watch and lots of neighbors and friends to visit with. On the last day, we went to the talent show and the rodeo. Abby performed a Shirley Temple song and a little dance and Olivia sang a song she made up and did a dance that she made up as well. Martin and Matt had been backpacking all week and they got home just before the talent show and the rodeo, so it was a GREAT end to our fun week. They had been hiking in the Wind Rivers and hiked 32 miles that week. So impressed!!
       School started a week after the fair, so it seemed like the end of our summer. This a bittersweet time of year, but full of so many changes and lots of good food from harvesting!!! Hope your fall is fun y'all!! 
                                                            The Pope's

Sunday, July 10, 2011

June 2011

Dear Family and Friends-
       When I went back to read the notes I had been saving for the family letter, they seemed really old and from a long time ago. It has been awhile since our last letter, but I think I will just try to catch up from June and then maybe touch back a little bit. Our best part of June and a great way to start our whole summer, was hosting the David Dahl Family Reunion. We had it over the first weekend in June and everyone came, at great expense and long car rides for the majority. We had Kar and Roger come from Texas, Jodee and Calvin from Nebraska, Travvis and Katie from Arizona, Mom and Dad from Texas, and not to minimize the sacrifice that was still made, Brett and Keli from Utah and Steff and KC from Idaho. We were so impressed with the efforts that it took to be here and we tried to put on a good reunion for everyone. Martin made a huge effort to finish two more bathrooms for the group and made it to halfway with each. The addition of another shower and two more toilets was huge and I was so grateful. Since then he has finished the other shower and we are living in luxury it feels like. One whole day of our reunion we spent up the canyon by our house, we hiked and did some rock-climbing, we did a GPS treasure hunt and played Minute-to-Win-it games. The next day the men all made an awesome breakfast while the rest of us got ready for family pictures. We drove into the town of Downey, Idaho and took pictures by the railroad tracks right in town. It was awesome to get a big family picture with EVERYONE. After pictures, we had lunch at the park there and then played kickball at the baseball diamond. After that, we had to have our first departure and it started the yucky process of families having to leave after such a fun weekend. Some stayed over for one more night and attended church with us. Each night of our reunion we told Bedtime Stories. We had each adult pick a true story from their life to share with the kids at bedtime. We put all the titles of the stories up on the wall and then the first kids in their pajamas got to pick a story. It was a really fun way to learn more about everyone and it was very entertaining. I think the only bad thing was that the reunion was too short and it had to have an end. I loved, loved, loved it and I am so grateful to my awesome family for making plans and being here, it was so worth it.
      Matthew's 9th birthday was the very next week and he says he got the BEST birthday present ever. His baseball team was in the tournament and they played their last two games and won both. They ended up winning the league tournament on Matt's birthday. He loved it! Thayne also completely loved baseball season, he kept stealing Matt's mitt and we couldn't find it for practices and games, so we bought him a mitt which he slept with for almost a week. I have never seen a two year old sit and watch an entire baseball game, but that scene was repeated over and over this season, he was sure fun to take to games. He got all ready for church two weeks ago and put on his mitt and grabbed a ball. I said, “No, no baseball at church, sorry.” He looked at his mitt and then up at me and said, “No baseball? No church? No Thayne!” He was all set to stay home with his mitt and ball. Luckily I convinced him to leave it in a “special” place and then he could have it as soon as we got home.
       Our summer days are filled with lots of playing outside, popsicles, swimming lessons, lunch at the park, games of baseball out on the lawn, rides in the jeep, and late nights. I really love it all!
        Abby and Olivia picked some plants just for them in our garden, so we are trying out pink tomatoes and purple peppers. They water them with a little cup and lots of trips from the faucet to the garden.
         Thayne loves everything outside. Martin got the jeep out and running, so we all piled in for a jeep ride. Thayne was so excited, saying, “Wait, jeep, wait, me.” So, I teased him and said, “It's mommy's jeep, mine.” He got a very cute, funny look on his face and said, “No, thayne-thayne, jeep.” He pointed to himself and was very serious. He loved our ride around the block and up through the hills and kept yelling, “Whoa, dada, whoa.”
         I have been busy on the weekends working at the greenhouses down the road from us. I mostly only work Saturdays and the occasional day during the week. It is work that I love and my boss is also the bishop of our ward. He is very easy to work with when I need to be home and when Martin has classes and can't be home with the kids. It has been strange to be back at a job after 9 years, but if I was able to hand-pick a job and set my own terms, this one would come very close to that ideal.
        A quick update on what else fills our week, Martin is the Elder's Quorum President. I am a den leader in Cub Scouts and the Primary Chorister. The first sunday of my chorister calling I cried all the way home. It has been a learning experience that is for sure. It made me laugh out loud when the bishop asked me to accept that calling. I thought that he had come over to ask Martin about a calling for him. It came out of pure inspiration, and the Lord knows how much I can learn in this calling. I have no skills, talents, or experience in this area, but I love Primary, and I love the Primary music. I will hope that is enough. In the strength of the Lord I can do all things.
        Fun & Sun, and lots of long days!!! We hope each of you enjoy the coming month!! Love, The Popes

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Family Letter for March 2011

I sure love turning to a brand new page on the calendar. It's so clean and blank. Then, I pull down the last month to write this letter and I am just amazed at what has filled it up. I could say that I don't know where the month has gone, but I am looking right at it. It has gone to babysitting, and Dance lessons, and Dentist appointments, and Birthday parties, and Spring Break. But that is just what is written down. I didn't even make it over to the computer to write down the everyday stuff this month. So, I will just see what I can remember. It's sure a great thing that we have this every month, because past that I don't think I would remember anything at all.
Our Thayne is such a happy, fun kid. I think I write that every month. He brings so much laughter into our days. He loves to repeat whatever he hears, just in one-word phrases. He really has loved how the weather is warming up and will play outside with Olivia until his fingers and cheeks turn red. Then, he cries when he has to come in. He likes to tell the kitties, “no,no” and hit anything and everything with a bat, luckily Olivia and the cats are too fast, so he settles for every ball he can find and the fence posts.
Olivia is still so sugar and spice with us. Without her our life would be pretty bland I am sure. She told Martin this month that she wishes she had a remote to change to a different Mom and Dad when she wants to. All she would tell him is that she would change to parents that would never tell her to go to bed. She seems to have a on and off switch to her bad moments, but we have no idea where it is or what it even looks like. I have felt like she is growing out of this a little more each week, and she is turning into the best helper I could ask for.
Abby is dancing through March and all of Spring. They had a make-up dance lesson for one that they missed in February, that made for three in the month instead of two. As we were driving home from dance on the last lesson, Abby said, “Mom, when are we going to have our make-up class?” I said, “You had it last week.” She was very confused and quiet, then she said, “So, did we just forget to put make-up on me that day?” She was very disappointed to find out that it just meant an extra lesson, not a make-up party :).
Matt is a little harder to write about. Not every thought that runs through his head gets voiced to us. He really thinks about every little thing and how it will affect him. He is so very responsible and tries very hard to do the “right” thing. We had a FHE lesson on The Plan of Salvation and he wanted to put up the poster where he gets dressed every morning so he can look at it. He can usually be found reading, playing legos, or riding his bike. He loves to play on the computer or the Xbox, but is so good at making up games and plans and fun clubs that he gets dragged away by Olivia, Thayne, and Abby pretty often.
I am thinking that this letter is turning a tad long, but I haven't even written about Spring Break yet. Martin and the kids had separate vacation weeks again this year. So we decided to take Matt and Abby out of school for Martin's break. Martin planned an awesome trip for us again. It was our trip of Indian Ruins with a few slot canyons thrown in. We camped for a week and hiked every day. We started out at Dead Horse Point State Park and hiked in Canyonlands National Park to two different Indian Ruin spots. On Sunday we went to church with the ward in Moab, Utah. The next three nights we camped out on Cedar Mesa and hiked down to a really unique place called The Perfect Kiva. It is a large circle dug in the ground and then covered over with timbers and mud. You have to climb down a stick ladder to get into it. The Kiva's were usually used for ceremonies and very special gatherings. This was my favorite place that we went. We also visited a huge clan home called Moonhouse. It had over 40 rooms strung along a canyon. It is so impressive to see the construction that is so primitive, but has stood for hundreds of years. It's also cool to talk with the kids about how the Indians must have lived. They loved to play Indian kids and Matt would always defend the homes from attackers. We made grass and yucca dolls and took lots of pictures. We ended our trip with a few nights at Goblin Valley State Park. They had showers!! It was also a very crowded campground, and we are getting so used to not having neighbors. So we stayed out and about most of our days. We hiked into some slot canyons around there and spent one evening playing tag in Goblin Valley. The day we headed home was Thayne's 2nd birthday. Martin had one more hike planned, but he got out-voted by the rest of us who were just ready to be home. For the week, we had already hiked over 30 miles. He wasn't too disappointed, he can always save it for the next trip.
We got home ready to unpack and relax. It was not to be, two birds had broken into our house. They came in through the chimney. They made a mess of every flat surface in our whole house. One had died, but the other we had to chase out the front door. Before we could wash all the red-sand stained clothes and blankets from the trip, we pulled off all the bedspreads to wash first. What a welcome home!
I almost started to write about Conference...but, I will save that for next month. We sure love you all, hope your Spring is Great! Love, The Pope's

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Family Letter for January and February 2011

I have started going to the computer and typing up some of the little moments of the day. It has made me realize a few things. #1 I wish I would have started this sooner. #2 Funny things happen everyday. #3 How much learning and changing takes place each day.
Here are a few of our moments from January and February:
Olivia says she does not want to be a mom as she watches me change diapers, and put Thayne down for a nap. Then, a little bit later she tells me she will have lots of kids so they can do the jobs. I asked, “Like what?” She tells me they can do the laundry and the dishes and vacuum every day. So, I said, “what are you going to do if they do all that?” She responds, “I will sit on my couch and watch Mommy and Daddy movies.” Ahhh, the life of a mom, I guess she doesn't know about the bon-bon part yet. :)
Abby started Piano Lessons, for her first week of practicing, she would stand up and announce each piece like a recital. Now she sits and takes a huge, deep breath, then she sits up real tall, another big breath, and dramatically exhales as she places her hands on the keys. Then, she plinks out her songs and before each new time through repeats the whole process again. It is quite the production, and very fun to watch.
Thayne and Olivia are very good friends, especially the more that Thayne can do and play. So, a few weeks ago, Olivia says to Thayne, “Thayne you are so CLEVER.” I overhear her, and say, “What does clever mean?” Olivia answers, “It means he is so funny and good, and fancy.”
During lunch one day we had to come up with some new definitions that I hope you can add to your Dictionary. Girl Cheese is a regular grilled cheese sandwich, but what is Boy Cheese? A Boy Cheese sandwich is when you add meat. I hope that clarifies some things :)
My top---okay, maybe bottom moment of the month came when Olivia and I were getting into the car after we came out of the grocery store. I was waiting for her to buckle up her car-seat and she said (in the very sweetest voice), “I am going to be a good mom, huh?...” I thought, “What a nice moment,” and said, “yes, you are going to be a great mom.” She continued in her super sweet tone, “...not like you.” ??????? I actually laughed out loud and almost yelled at the same time. So, what makes a bad mom? According to the four year old (who is an expert at these things), you can't put your kids in time-out so many times in a day. Actually, no time-outs at all. I guess I am resigned to be a bad mom, it's okay, I am getting used to it. Isn't that a fact of life, if your kids think you are too mean and too strict---you must be on the right track.
As far as moments go, these last two months sure went too fast. We also had some fun events, one being basketball for Matt. Their season was fairly short and it involved practices two nights a week, and games on Saturdays. This was his first year playing and he went from first practice and really learning how to dribble, to the last few games really showing us some serious defensive skills and shooting that had improved nearly 100%. His team was so fun to watch as they played with so much heart. They lost every game, but I was always surprised because they would play so hard the whole game and they seemed to be right up there with the other team, but they would hardly ever shoot. Too bad the score board doesn't always reflect heart and hard work. I really appreciate the coaches and everyone who puts so much into the city/league sports. It's great how much Matt learned in that short season and how it shows in his confidence now too.
Martin and Matt also took a snowboarding day together. They just go up to Pebble Creek in Inkom, Idaho. It is a small resort, but they had a really good day there and Matt picked right up where he left off last year. He found that really cool and it made for a fun time for Martin too.
I think I had better wrap this up, because I promised myself I would get this done early this month. Lots of Love from the Pope's!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

on the road...

Okay, we may not be there, but I like to think we are on the right track. The road to sanity, the road to happiness. This is our everyday party, one day at a time. Thank you for joining us on our road.....