Sunday, July 10, 2011

June 2011

Dear Family and Friends-
       When I went back to read the notes I had been saving for the family letter, they seemed really old and from a long time ago. It has been awhile since our last letter, but I think I will just try to catch up from June and then maybe touch back a little bit. Our best part of June and a great way to start our whole summer, was hosting the David Dahl Family Reunion. We had it over the first weekend in June and everyone came, at great expense and long car rides for the majority. We had Kar and Roger come from Texas, Jodee and Calvin from Nebraska, Travvis and Katie from Arizona, Mom and Dad from Texas, and not to minimize the sacrifice that was still made, Brett and Keli from Utah and Steff and KC from Idaho. We were so impressed with the efforts that it took to be here and we tried to put on a good reunion for everyone. Martin made a huge effort to finish two more bathrooms for the group and made it to halfway with each. The addition of another shower and two more toilets was huge and I was so grateful. Since then he has finished the other shower and we are living in luxury it feels like. One whole day of our reunion we spent up the canyon by our house, we hiked and did some rock-climbing, we did a GPS treasure hunt and played Minute-to-Win-it games. The next day the men all made an awesome breakfast while the rest of us got ready for family pictures. We drove into the town of Downey, Idaho and took pictures by the railroad tracks right in town. It was awesome to get a big family picture with EVERYONE. After pictures, we had lunch at the park there and then played kickball at the baseball diamond. After that, we had to have our first departure and it started the yucky process of families having to leave after such a fun weekend. Some stayed over for one more night and attended church with us. Each night of our reunion we told Bedtime Stories. We had each adult pick a true story from their life to share with the kids at bedtime. We put all the titles of the stories up on the wall and then the first kids in their pajamas got to pick a story. It was a really fun way to learn more about everyone and it was very entertaining. I think the only bad thing was that the reunion was too short and it had to have an end. I loved, loved, loved it and I am so grateful to my awesome family for making plans and being here, it was so worth it.
      Matthew's 9th birthday was the very next week and he says he got the BEST birthday present ever. His baseball team was in the tournament and they played their last two games and won both. They ended up winning the league tournament on Matt's birthday. He loved it! Thayne also completely loved baseball season, he kept stealing Matt's mitt and we couldn't find it for practices and games, so we bought him a mitt which he slept with for almost a week. I have never seen a two year old sit and watch an entire baseball game, but that scene was repeated over and over this season, he was sure fun to take to games. He got all ready for church two weeks ago and put on his mitt and grabbed a ball. I said, “No, no baseball at church, sorry.” He looked at his mitt and then up at me and said, “No baseball? No church? No Thayne!” He was all set to stay home with his mitt and ball. Luckily I convinced him to leave it in a “special” place and then he could have it as soon as we got home.
       Our summer days are filled with lots of playing outside, popsicles, swimming lessons, lunch at the park, games of baseball out on the lawn, rides in the jeep, and late nights. I really love it all!
        Abby and Olivia picked some plants just for them in our garden, so we are trying out pink tomatoes and purple peppers. They water them with a little cup and lots of trips from the faucet to the garden.
         Thayne loves everything outside. Martin got the jeep out and running, so we all piled in for a jeep ride. Thayne was so excited, saying, “Wait, jeep, wait, me.” So, I teased him and said, “It's mommy's jeep, mine.” He got a very cute, funny look on his face and said, “No, thayne-thayne, jeep.” He pointed to himself and was very serious. He loved our ride around the block and up through the hills and kept yelling, “Whoa, dada, whoa.”
         I have been busy on the weekends working at the greenhouses down the road from us. I mostly only work Saturdays and the occasional day during the week. It is work that I love and my boss is also the bishop of our ward. He is very easy to work with when I need to be home and when Martin has classes and can't be home with the kids. It has been strange to be back at a job after 9 years, but if I was able to hand-pick a job and set my own terms, this one would come very close to that ideal.
        A quick update on what else fills our week, Martin is the Elder's Quorum President. I am a den leader in Cub Scouts and the Primary Chorister. The first sunday of my chorister calling I cried all the way home. It has been a learning experience that is for sure. It made me laugh out loud when the bishop asked me to accept that calling. I thought that he had come over to ask Martin about a calling for him. It came out of pure inspiration, and the Lord knows how much I can learn in this calling. I have no skills, talents, or experience in this area, but I love Primary, and I love the Primary music. I will hope that is enough. In the strength of the Lord I can do all things.
        Fun & Sun, and lots of long days!!! We hope each of you enjoy the coming month!! Love, The Popes

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